Letter: New Canaan DTC Supports Toll Legislation

The New Canaan Democratic Town Committee voted overwhelmingly in support of Governor Ned Lamont’s toll legislation and the position of our legislators, State Senator Will Haskell, State Senator Alex Bergstein and State Representative Lucy Dathan for the following common-sense reasons:

A study released by consultant CDM Smith at the end of 2018 laid out some potential locations, pricing and benefits for electronic tolling in Connecticut.  Tolls could produce more than $1 billion a year in revenue for the State by 2023. Of that, a little more than 40% would come from out-of-state motorists. About 71% of revenue would come from passenger vehicles with the rest coming from trucks and buses. One potential outline would have Connecticut E-Z Pass holders pay 4.4 cents off-peak and 5.5 cents on-peak per mile.  As an example it would cost $4.93 peak ($6.16 peak) for EZ Pass from New York border to Rhode Island.

Letter: Rob Fryer’s Experience Makes Him Better Town Treasurer Candidate

Rob’s career at Deloitte lasted almost fifty years, including 34 years as a senior partner and this experience working with large corporations in their finance and accounting areas made him an expert in all aspects of finance and accounting. This broad expertise enables him to provide the following benefits if elected as our Treasurer:

While the responsibilities of a Town Treasurer are prescribed by state law and he will execute them seriously, he is ready to use his broad expertise to assist town government with the broader aspects of cash and debt management and the control of expenditures. He has many years of experience in internal financial controls and hopes to participate in preventing material weaknesses in the future. Rob is no longer working and will perform his duties as Treasurer at town hall during regular office hours and this will enable him to interact with town officials, from First Selectman down, when questions arise that could utilize his expertise. Rob’s opponent, Andrew Brooks, has a bachelor’s degree in economics and history and a full time job with Accenture in finance and risk management.

Letter: New Canaan DTC Chair Thanks Dignitaries, Attendees at Annual Barbecue


On behalf of the New Canaan Democratic Town Committee, I extend my thanks to all who attended the DTC Annual Barbecue at Kiwanis Park on Sunday.  We were especially honored to have our two US Senators Richard Blumenthal and Christopher Murphy and US Congressman Jim Himes with us and we are grateful for their inspirational remarks and their time that they spent one-on-one with the enthusiastic crowd. In addition, we welcomed CT Secretary of State Denise Merrill, Attorney General George Jepsen, General Assembly Representative William Tong and Bridgeport Mayor Joseph Ganim. Throughout the event, the speakers offered their strong support for all of our local candidates who are running for elected office. Six of our candidates—Kit Devereaux for First Selectwoman, Rob Fryer for Town Treasurer, Sheri West for Board of Education, Liz Gores Donovan, Sven Englund and Colm Dobbyn for Town Council each spoke about their vision and commitment to New Canaan and were energized by the turnout and encouragement they each received from the dignitaries and the crowd in attendance.