New Canaanite’s summer internship program runs from mid-June through August. This year’s program is sponsored by Carriage Barn Arts Center. Our intern is Connor Markey, a lifelong town resident home from college for the summer. Here’s a transcription of a quick introductory interview:
New Canaanite: Connor, tell me about your connections to New Canaan.

Connor Markey is the New Canaanite 2023 summer intern.
Connor Markey: Lived here my whole life. I was born and raised here. I didn’t go to the elementary or middle schools, but I did go to New Canaan High School. So that was a pretty fun experience. Probably the most fun school experience I’ve had besides college.
Where are you in college?
Lynn University down in Florida.
What year did you graduate high school?
In 2020, so right in the middle of the pandemic.
And where did you attend elementary and middle school?
I went to Greens Farms Academy in Westport and for middle school I went to Easton Country Day School. My parents like to move me around a lot.
What are you studying at Lynn?
I’m actually studying multimedia journalism.
What does that involve?
It’s learning different types of media, writing articles, making video pieces, audio pieces. Kind of learning about the industry.
And how did you come to intern with us this summer?
I had applied to a lot of internships but a lot of them were beyond me, where I didn’t have the necessary experience to get a job. No big places were willing to hire me and I realized, why not start with the local paper in my town? I feel like everyone here knows it. It would be an interesting place to start.
What are you most looking forward to about this summer internship?
Just getting involved with the community, writing articles and moving toward my future career.
What else, if anything, would you like our readers to know about you? This is our introductory piece.
Just hope the readers like my articles and that I do a good job.
Did masterful article on Juneteenth celebration with pics. Keep up the good work.
It was very nice to meet you yesterday! Congratulations on starting your journalism career right here at home!