Town Voids Ticket Issued to Local Woman for Parking in Town Hall Lot

The New Canaanite 2024 Summer Internship Program is sponsored by Karp Associates. In what was deemed a misread of the situation, town officials this month voided a ticket issued to a local woman for parking in the Town Hall lot. Members of the Parking Commission during their July 10 meeting voted 3-0 to void a ticket that had been issued to Marnie Miller for parking in the lot behind the municipal building while appearing to have no Town Hall business. During her appeal hearing, held at Town Hall and via videoconference, Miller said she had come to register her dogs at Town Hall but stopped in Greenology for a drink beforehand. During that small timeframe, she had been issued the ticket, with the officer believing she was using the lot for other business. 

“I came to register my dogs and it was hot so I popped across the street,” Miller said.

Commission Discusses Proposed Striping, Disabled Space on Morse Court

The New Canaanite 2024 Summer Internship Program is sponsored by Karp Associates. Members of the appointed body that oversees municipal parking lots in New Canaan are asking town officials to carefully balance the number of disabled spaces needed downtown with sorely needed 15-minute spaces. Parking Manager Stacey Miltenberg told members of the Parking Commission during their July 10 meeting that disabled spots would be delineated along with the 15-minute parking spaces along the northern edge of Morse Court, as part of a new striping plan for the lot. (Currently, the parallel-parking 15-minute spaces are not lined out.)

Commissioner Nancy Bemis noted that the block of parking may be more useful if left unpainted — for example, because smaller cars wouldn’t take up a full space — and also raised a question about a plan to add a disabled space to the row. “My concern is that by adding the handicapped spot, is it going to lead to any confusion?” Bemis said at the meeting, held at Town Hall and via videoconference.

Police Commission Discusses Traffic Woes at Gerdes, Conrad

The New Canaanite 2024 Summer Internship Program is sponsored by Karp Associates. Traffic engineers say the motor vehicle backup and speeding problems that New Canaanites are seeing in the “South of the Y” neighborhood during commuter hours are due to two main issues. The town has been grappling with backed-up vehicles on Gerdes Road, and a related problem of speeding on Conrad Road, for more than one year. In the morning, especially, southbound Merritt Parkway commuters are skirting traffic between exits 38 and 37 as directed by navigation apps such as Waze and Google Maps. Drivers either queue up for the Gerdes Road/South Avenue light to re-enter the Merritt at exit 37, or else swing out wider to Conrad and Whiffle Tree Roads, officials have said.

‘We’ve Drastically Reduced the Population’: Town OKs Contract To Keep Geese Out of Mead, Kiwanis

Town officials last week approved a $25,000 contract with a Greenwich-based company that visits Mead Park every day of the year to keep the Canada geese out. The Board of Selectmen during its July 9 meeting voted 3-0 in favor of the contract with Geese Relief, which also works for a fixed period each summer in Kiwanis Park. Parks & Recreation Director John Howe said the company “comes to Mead Park twice a day, every day of the year.”

“And we’ve drastically reduced the population of Canada geese in Mead Park,” he said at the meeting, held in Town Hall and via videoconference. First Selectman Dionna Carlson and Selectmen Steve Karl and Amy Murphy Carroll voted in favor of the contract. Geese Relief brings border collies to Mead and also paddles out to the island in the park to “addle” Canada goose eggs there.