Did You Hear…?

New Canaan Police at 10:11 a.m. Monday received a report of a hat stolen from a Heritage Hill Road home. ***

Registration is open for spring programs and activities at the New Canaan YMCA. ***

The New Canaan High School PFA is holding a prom dress donation drive through Saturday. If you can part with your clean and gently-used (less than five years old) prom dress, email nchspostprom2025@gmail.com to arrange a pick-up. Members of the NCHS Class of 2025 will model the dresses at the Ram Jam fashion show and music festival – afterwards, the dresses will be donated to charity.

‘Soul•Fête: A Culinary Immersion’ Set for Feb. 26 at Carriage Barn [Q&A]

The second edition of “Soul•Fête: A Culinary Immersion”—the only fundraiser for local nonprofit Stand Together Against Racism or ‘S.T.A.R.’— is coming to the Carriage Barn Arts Center 6 to 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 26 (tickets here). We put some questions to S.T.A.R. founder Fatou Niang ahead of the big night. Here’s our exchange. ***

What is “Soul•Fête: A Culinary Immersion” and how does this event tie into the mission and work of S.T.A.R.?

Did You Hear … ?

New Canaan Police at 9:56 a.m. on Feb. 5 were notified by the state Department of Transportation about a dead cat found on the Merritt Parkway near the northbound service plaza by Exit 37. ***

There’s an opening reception from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday at Silvermine Galleries of the “Color Me…” exhibition. More info here. ***

New Canaan High School’s student-based club Charity Link joined efforts with Walter Stewart’s Market to raise more than $400 for groceries donated to New Canaan’s local food pantry.

Coffee’s (Back) on for Thursday

After postponing last week due to dangerous driving conditions, the monthly Community Coffee is back on for 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. this Thursday, Feb. 13 in the Jim & Dede Bartlett Auditorium at New Canaan Library. The Coffee is presented in partnership with the library, and the brew is supplied by Zumbach’s Gourmet Coffee (thank you, Doug). The free, public coffee is a group conversation about what’s happening around town, moderated by Dinan. Topics come from attendees and we spend no more than 10 minutes per subject.

Domestic Violence and Partner Abuse in New Canaan [Q&A]

Town officials say that New Canaan residents in abusive relationships often report that their spouse refuses to pay agreed-upon child support, and a recent community wellness survey showed that 134 people here have safety concerns about someone in their home. Even so, more than one-third of respondents said in a recent survey that they don’t know where to access domestic violence support. These are some of the data points that Dede Bartlett, founder of the New Canaan Abuse Prevention Partnership, shared during a conversation Sunday at New Canaan Library. (Note: The library has set aside a book list display to mark the month, view the book list here.)

We met because February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, to talk about domestic violence and partner abuse. Here’s a transcription of our conversation.