Town: Aquarion To Shut Down South Avenue in July and August for Water Main Installation
The water company is planning to shut down South Avenue during weekday work hours between Harrison Avenue and Farm Road in July and August as part of a multi-year water main installation that is cutting across New Canaan, officials say. A project that started three years ago, the installation of the 36-inch pipe has already seen road closures and detours in eastern New Canaan, where the main comes in from Wilton and ultimately will feed toward Stamford and Greenwich. Public Works Director Tiger Mann said during Tuesday’s Board of Selectmen meeting that his department is meeting this week with Aquarion to discuss bids for the job.
Selectman Steve Karl, noting that New Canaan itself is not benefiting from the disruptive project, asked during the regular meeting, held at Town Hall and via videoconference: “They’re not planning on doing Farm Road during the school year, right?”
Mann said no, it should wrap up during the summer months. The discussion emerged while the selectmen were approving a separate contract for sidewalk work along South Avenue from Cherry Street to Surrey Road. The selectmen voted 3-0 to approve a pair of contracts—for $18,000 and $20,000—to get surveying and design work to replace pedestrian ramps, where needed, along that route.