Letters to the Editor

NewCanaaanite.com recently received the following letter(s) to the editor. Please email letters to editor@newcanaanite.com for publication here. 


Special news this week is that our wonderful mailman, Mike Giordano, is retiring on Wednesday, May 31st from delivering mail to our mailboxes and to our front doors …. no matter the weather.  

Mike has worked for the Postal Service for 38 years!  Imagine that…38 years!  And for 8 of these 38, Mike has been our mailman. In January Mike was sick with Covid and in the hospital for 5 weeks, seriously ill.  He felt grateful to survive and decided to re-assess his LIFE…that it might be a good time for change, to end his work life and begin a new one with lots more time for his family. Mike is a serious musician with a duet band..The Peterson Project…And a wonderful family and grandchildren so he will be happy with his new freedom.