Schedule For South School Paving Project Is ‘Tight’
The Board of Selectmen on Tuesday approved $334,675.01 in bonding for the repaving of the parking lot at South School, however, with only three weeks left to complete the project, there was just a hint of concern that it could interfere with the opening of school on Sept. 3. The project involves taking the old pavement up, replacing it with new pavement and re-striping the lot. But as Director of Public Works Mike Pastore explained, it involves “more than paving, we’re taking out seven islands, we’re repaving sidewalks, and we’re replacing the granite curbing… “
“The schedule is tight,” Pastore told the board. “The big hold-up will be, if we have a week’s worth of rain, we’re going to have a problem.”
Looking at the positives, First Selectman Rob Mallozzi said the town expected bids to come in as high as $400,000, “so this is a good number.”
Pastore said the town got two bids for the project – a third potential bidder couldn’t take the job due to schedule constraints.