Parks Officials Propose New Rates for 2016 Season at Waveny Pool
With plans for even more improvements at the popular and self-sustaining Waveny Pool—such as installing a water heater, hopefully before the 2016 season starts, relining the pool’s plaster, bringing in 50 new beach chairs, landscaping the area and upping the frequency of cleaning the facility’s bathrooms—the Park & Recreation Commission on Wednesday night voted unanimously to propose a new slate of rates for the upcoming summer. Commissioner Jason Milligan said a newly organized Waveny Pool ‘Lifestyle Committee’ composed of regular pool users has proactively and collaboratively recommended a number of sound improvements “and almost all of the things on their wish list are being addressed in one way or another this year.”
Those improvements, and other longer-term plans for maintenance and upgrades, require modest increases to pool pass fees, the commissioners said. The proposed new rates are as follows (they must be approved by the Board of Selectmen)—passes go on sale April 1:
Sally Campbell, chairman of the commission, said that based on the proposed new rate sheet, the group should be able to fund pool operations as well as make a “strong contribution to the capital reserve” and pay for five years’ of projected capital projects (such as redoing the deck at Waveny Pool and installing lights). “We feel really comfortable that we are in great financial shape, and that not only will we be able to run a great pool this season but we will be able to take care of all our capital improvements,” Campbell said.