Q&A: Waveny Park Conservancy To Hold Third Annual ‘Tailgate Party’ on Sept. 29

The local organization leading restoration and improvement projects at Waveny is now selling a limited number of tickets to attend a popular social gathering at the park. To be held 4 to 10:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 29 on the lawn behind the main house, the Waveny Park Conservancy’s third annual Tailgate Party will feature live music by Short Bus, prizes for most creatively done vehicles, Conservancy merchandise, firepit and college football on a giant inflatable screen, according to New Canaan’s Arianne Faber Kolb, an event organizer and member of the WPC Board of Directors. The first 100 cars to register—$500 per vehicle for up to six people for the first row (just 20 available) and $300 per vehicle for the 80 remaining spots (also up to six people), $50-per-person for extra guest tickets—will park in rows, with spaces assigned on a first-come, first-served basis for the party, a fundraiser for the Conservancy. (Tickets are available here, parking spots cannot be purchased the night of the event.)

We caught up with Faber Kolb and put some questions to her on the Tailgate Party.