The Board of Finance last week approved a further—and, officials say, final—approximately $284,000 for the widely anticipated restoration of the movie theater downtown. The appointed body voted 8-0 during a March 27 special meeting in favor of the Playhouse project funding, which includes a special appropriation of about $164,000 (there’s also a separate “project increase” of approximately $120,000). The special appropriation is to be used for additional plumbing for the concession, plating room and bars as well as Health Code compliance (about $59,000), more design fees for a local architectural firm ($78,000), finishes for staircases and landings ($11,000) and a ductless AC unit for an AV room ($16,000), according to Public Works Director Tiger Mann. With respect to the Health Code, Mann said municipal officials “feel the town should be responsible for in this regard, given the fact that we have a tenant coming in but we want to make sure our building is up to Code for every requirement, regardless of who we have as a tenant.”
Regarding the floor finishes, Mann said that the town had assumed the new private operator of the Playhouse, CinemaLab, “would be responsible also for the finishes on the staircases to and from.”
“And then as it shook out, through the project, we learned that they didn’t carry that number in their contract and considered that the two staircases were a means of egress and would be the leaseholder’s responsibility,” Mann said during the meeting, held in a Town Hall conference room and via videoconference. Board of Finance Chair Todd Lavieri, Secretary Chris Le Bris and members Michael Chen, Colm Dobbyn, Nick Mitrakis, Tom Schulte, Maria Weingarten and James Yao voted in favor.