Town Approves Contract for Sports Field Fence Repair

The Board of Selectmen on Tuesday approved about $24,000 in contracts with two companies to repair fences at some of New Canaan’s most-used sports fields. The contracts with New Canaan-based Gannon Rustic Fence and New Haven-based Total Fence will address damaged fences at the softball field in Waveny, varsity baseball field in Mead Park and two Water Tower turf fields at New Canaan High School, according to Todd Deklyn, superintendent of parks in the Department of Public Works. “The Water Tower field fence is over five years old, and these two fields get used by various sports groups throughout the season,” Deklyn told the selectmen at their regular meeting, held at Town Hall and via videoconference. 

He continued: “Damage to these fences is mostly caused by balls being kicked or hit in the fence during their games or practices. At the baseball and softball field fences, most of the damage is mostly caused by athletes doing soft toss and throwing weighted balls against them for warmups. Only the bad sections of the fence on each field will be replaced and we have requested two quotes from Gannon Fence and Total Fence.”

The town has used both companies in the past and they’ve “done quality work for us,” Deklyn said.