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St. Luke’s Black Box Theater

377 North Wilton Road
New Canaan, CT 06840 United States
203-966-4528, ext. 137 http://www.ncyac.org/ctncyc/UserFiles/File/Winning%20edge%20presentation%20bc3.pdf

January 2015

The Winning Edge: Athlete/Parent Sports Panel

Saturday, January, 10, 2015 @ 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
St. Luke’s Black Box Theater, 377 North Wilton Road
New Canaan, CT 06840 United States

Athletes and parents are invited to join an expert panel in discussing the importance of and techniques for achieving a healthy, balanced, successful, and meaningful sports experience for all abilities and levels. HOSTED BY THE NEW CANAAN YMCA WHO: MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES & PARENTS WHEN: JANUARY 10th 12:30 - 3:30 PM WHERE: St. Luke’s Black Box Theater New Canaan, CT FEE: $10 per ticket HOW: Check www.ncyac.org click on “Winning Edge” or Call Mike Ferraro at 203/448-7321…

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