‘Best Pizza Shop’ Plans Late-August Opening on Main Street


Best Pizza Shop pizza. https://www.instagram.com/bestpizzashop/

The new pizza shop planned for the former Vicolo space on Main Street is scheduled to open late-August, according to its owner.

Best Pizza Shop pie. https://www.instagram.com/bestpizzashop/

Best Pizza Shop will offer Detroit- and New York-style pies, chef and owner John Parlatore said.

“This is a very exciting time for us as we just started the clean out process,” Parlatore said of the commercial space at 62 Main St., located down “the alley” from Ching’s Table and the Knights of Columbus building on Main.

Best Pizza Shop pie. https://www.instagram.com/bestpizzashop/

Pizzas will be available in individual as well as family-style, Parlatore said.

“As a young family we want to bring a family style restaurant to the community to enjoy,” he said.

In succeeding Vicolo as a pizza provider in New Canaan, Best Pizza Shop will join a strong roster that includes Joe’s, Dante’s, New Canaan Pizza & Taqueria and Pinocchio, as well as multiple restaurants that feature pizza on their menus, including Locali and Spiga.

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