3 thoughts on “‘Drive Test’ Results: Major Gaps in Mobile Coverage Across Town

  1. Thank you to the Utilities Commission for doing this work. Before we automatically ask how many additional towers would be required to increase coverage, could the commission do the research to determine if there are any other viable options? Who are the leaders in the space? Maybe their options won’t work with the topography of the town, or maybe it’s a combination of multiple solutions. If there is continued transparency with the community, perhaps there won’t be such a big fight over the ultimate solution(s).

  2. The results of this study should not surprise anyone.mwe all know that the cell coverage is terrible. The poor infrastructure represents a threat to safety in case of emergency. It also makes it difficult for people to work from home. I hope that the New Canaan community can unite to finally make progress in the area of improving cell coverage.

  3. Be very wary of Ookla’s work product. Ookla is a division of Ziff-Davis and Ookla caters to the wireless carriers as one of its primary customers. Ookla is biased towards finding poor cell coverage. Ookla is not an independent unbiased expert.

    New Canaan needs to hire an independent wireless consultant whose duty of loyalty is owed to the residents, not to the wireless carriers. Today, there are many technologically feasible solutions for expanding wireless coverage, and the need for numerous ugly invasive tall industrial cell towers in a bucolic suburb like New Canaan is simply not warranted. New Canaan should take charge of its destiny and decide for itself what the best wireless plan for the town is. Don’t wait for wireless companies to file applications with the corrupt Siting Council.

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