Stamford Man Opens Kids Home Furnishings at 106 Main

Here’s one way that Seth Berger—a Stamford native, father of two and 34-year volunteer firefighter—describes the mission of his longtime family business: Protecting against the cold, impersonal commoditization of baby and children’s furniture. Berger represents the third generation in his family to sell high-end cribs, dressers, desks and rocking and upholstery chairs, and the purchase of those items long had been a meaningful family occasion. “Until the Internet, that was the case,” Berger said Monday afternoon at Kids Home Furnishings in downtown New Canaan, sitting by a solid beech baby dresser from Romania. The brightly lit, approximately 2,500-square-foot shop opened this spring at 106 Main St.—next door to Connecticut Muffin and toward the corner, in what many think of as the “Pop-up Store” for its prior occupants. “You went to the one person that knew this merchandise.