Around Town
PHOTOS: Caffeine & Carburetors Makes Waveny Debut
Hundreds of auto enthusiasts gathered at a windswept Waveny Park Sunday afternoon for a special installment of the grassroots car show that grew out of a more intimate event that started just four years ago at New Canaan resident Doug Zumbach’s eponymous gourmet coffee shop on Pine Street. The Waveny debut of Caffeine & Carburetors took the show that in April, for the first time ever, expanded from Pine to Elm Street downtown, and placed it in the heart of what most New Canaanites would call the town’s great treasure. Parked in the Orchard Field lot, alongside the Carriage Barn Arts Center, around the loop in front of Waveny House and on both sides of the access road toward Lapham, classic and specialty cars lined up against the picturesque backdrop of the mansion, fields and trees in autumn. Visitors, many gripping dog leashes or pushing baby strollers, moved in and out of each area, directed by Zumbach’s volunteers and often sipping his brew, purchased at a stand in the Orchard lot. “I think it looks great,” New Canaan’s Tucker Murphy, executive director of the New Canaan Chamber of Commerce said near the stone wall near the entrance to the circle in front of Waveny House, where Peter Bush of FM 9.59 The Fox emceed.