Selectmen Approve Installation of New Sound Barrier for Chillers at Town Hall

The Board of Selectmen at its most recent meeting unanimously approved a request from the Department of Public Works that ultimately will reduce the noise levels created by the chiller sound barriers on the south side of Town Hall. New Canaan will enter contracts with Hoover Treated Wood Products and Gannon Rustic Fences at a total cost of $18,191. The sound barrier closes the loop on an ongoing dispute between the town and next-door neighbor Cody Real Estate. When Town Hall was renovated and expanded, the chillers were placed on the south side of the building, adjacent to commercial buildings owned by Cody. The company said that the noisiness of the chillers were prohibitively loud, especially if the commercial properties were to be developed to include second-floor residential units.

Landlord: ‘Small Shop Selling Gifts’ a Possibility for Varnum’s Space


The owners of 91 Main St.—a commercial space long occupied by Varnum’s Pharmacy—say a retail shop would be a good fit for the location as the drug store moves down the hill. Terry Spring of Cody Real Estate LLC said though the owners are saddened by Varnum’s decision to move, that they understand it’s best for the pharmacy’s business to offer more diverse products in a larger area, and that a search for the next tenant is underway. Spring said the property’s owners aren’t set on anything in particular for 91 Main, though the long, narrow-ish space there likely is too small for a restaurant or food vendor. “It’s a small space for that. So it’s better for hard goods or soft goods,” Spring said when inquired after plans for the 1940 building.