Town Commissions ‘Design Concepts’ for New Parking Deck at Lumberyard Lot
The Board of Selectmen on Tuesday voted unanimously to enter into an $8,000 contract with a New York City-based engineering firm that specializes in parking facilities, the first formal step toward adding spaces at New Canaan’s most coveted commuter lot. DESMAN in three to four weeks will provide New Canaan with “several different concept designs” for a parking structure at the Lumberyard Lot, Public Works Director Tiger Mann told the selectmen at their regular meeting, held in Town Hall. “They are going to be looking at vehicular circulation, and where we would get the best bang for our buck as far as where we could actually put a deck or a structure in, and then get the most parking spots back out again for the least cost.”
Officials from DESMAN already have walked the property and will come back for another review prior to putting together three functional designs, Mann said, that New Canaan could choose from. First Selectman Kevin Moynihan and Selectmen Kit Devereaux and Nick Williams voted in favor of the contract. The funds will be paid out of the DPW’s current engineering and administrative budget.