Williams: New Canaan’s ‘Fields Committee’ Should Have More People on It
The town should increase the number of people sitting on a committee that makes decisions about athletic field’s usage in New Canaan, according to Selectman Nick Williams.
Currently, the Fields Committee is composed of three members—Public Works Director Tiger Mann, Parks and Recreation Director John Howe and New Canaan High School Athletic Director Jay Egan. Two additional members of the public with “an interest in athletics” should join them, Williams said at the July 11 Board of Selectmen meeting. “I’m not saying that the Fields Committee hasn’t done a good job—I’m a huge supporter of Jay Egan, always have been,” Williams said at the meeting, held in Town Hall and via videoconference. “We do have only so many fields, and I think we need to look carefully at how those fields are used.”
The comments came during a portion of the meeting dedicated to general matters before the town. First Selectman Kevin Moynihan also was in attendance.