Alternating One-Way in Place on Ponus Ridge at Merritt Parkway

State officials on Monday installed an alternating one-way traffic light on Ponus Ridge at the Merritt Parkway as bridge repair (and roadway replacement) work gets underway there—a project that will continue through the summer of 2015. Part of a larger, $57 million Merrit Parkway Improvements project that spans several miles of the parkway (and starting in September will include South Avenue), the Ponus Ridge work involves removing the bridge deck, repairing the top of the bridge and then putting the bridge deck back, officials say. “We will do that in sections, one side and then once that is upgraded and repaired, we will flop the traffic back to the other side,” Joe Sorcinelli, project engineer for the Connecticut Department of Transportation, told Ponus Ridge at the Merritt will remain an alternating one-way intersection for the length of the project, he said. What really matters in terms of the timing of the work is the condition of the bridge arch, Sorcinelli said.