Town Buys 30 Pine Trees to Screen Old Kings Highway Homes from Landfill
Town officials this week approved a $6,750 contract with a Newtown-based nursery for 30 white pine trees that will be planted to screen Old Kings Highway homes from the Transfer Station. The trees from Planter’s Choice Nursery will be planted along the top of the landfill, Department of Public Works Assistant Director Tiger Mann said at the Board of Selectmen meeting Tuesday. “We have been receiving quite a number of complaints from the people on Old Kings Highway about their view across the top of the landfill,” Mann said during the meeting, held in the Training Room at the New Canaan Police Department. “Especially when we have got snow removal and other work going on there. Many can see straight down into the transfer station workings from there, so they asked for some screening in the upper area.”
Three properties appear to overlook the Transfer Station complex off of the eastern side of Old Kings Highway, though the homes themselves are located across the street.