$4 Million ‘Placeholder’ for Saxe Auditorium Renovation Drives Schools Superintendent’s Capital Spending Plan
Driven largely by what he called a $4 million “placeholder” for renovating the Saxe Middle School auditorium, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Bryan Luizzi on Monday proposed a capital budget of $5,564,500 for the 2015-16 fiscal year. The figure would represent a 140 percent increase over approved capital spending for New Canaan Public Schools in the current fiscal year. Delivered to the Board of Education on the same night that Luizzi recommended an operating budget—a salary- and benefits-driven total that makes up about 97 of all district spending—the proposed capital budget will get full vetting by the school board prior to its Jan. 20 meeting. Once the Board of Ed settles on its budget requests, they go to the selectmen, finance board and Town Council.