Around Town
Lack of Growth at Route 123-Side Wildflower Meadow Puzzles Highway Chief
Two summers after a wildflower meadow that bloomed just off of Route 123 generated high praise and frequent stops from passersby, the town worker responsible for it said he’s puzzled by this season’s lack of growth. Mose Saccary, highway superintendent with the New Canaan Department of Public Works, said he’s “a little disappointed” at the no-show flowers at 123 and Parade Hill Road, but willing to “give it some time and hopefully we’ll see some color.”
“I don’t know why” the wildflower meadow hasn’t bloomed, Saccary, a Center School alumnus, told when asked about it. “I used the same seeds, did everything the same.”
The problem might be the acidity levels of the soil, he said. “It also may be that we’re just not giving it enough time,” Saccary said. “We did the work in April so maybe it just needs some time.