Town Hires Two Firefighters, Including NCFD’s First Female Career Member


Firefighter Peter Black and Firefighter Lauren Freeland on Aug. 22. Photo courtesy of the Town of New Canaan

The New Canaan Fire Department recently hired two firefighters to full-time positions with the agency’s career staff, according to a press release.

Lauren Freeland and Peter Black will start working here following a four-month firefighter training program at the Connecticut Fire Academy, the release said.

“I am proud that two members of our volunteer company scored so well in all areas of the application process, including the written and oral components, to earn the career positions, and also very pleased to welcome our first female to the ranks of career firefighter,” Fire Chief Albe Bassett said in the release.

Though New Canaan has seen female firefighters serve with its robust volunteer service, Freeland’s hiring marks the first time that a woman will join the career ranks. 

Prior to her hiring with NCFD, Freeland had been working in commercial truck sales and rentals, the release said. She’s certified as Firefighter level 1, Firefighter level 2, Pump Operator, and Emergency Medical Technician. Black, who had been working in landscaping, is certified as Firefighter level 1 and level 2.

The town’s Fire Commission, which oversees the department, gained its first female member, Beth Jones, in 2018.

The press release provided the following background on firefighting here: “New Canaan has had an organized fire department since 1881. The department transitioned from all volunteer to the current combination model around 1912. The town is currently protected by 24 career firefighters divided over four work groups that staff the station 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and by 24 volunteers who comprise the fire company.”

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