The family of Jennifer Dulos issued the following statement to media on Friday, sent through New Canaan Police:

Jennifer Dulos has been missing since May 24, 2019. Photo courtesy of the New Canaan Police Department
“As of today, it has been a week since Jennifer Farber Dulos was reported missing. We miss her beyond measure – her five young children, her family, her friends, colleagues, and neighbors, as well as countless people who have never met her but who have responded to the spirit of grace and kindness that Jennifer embodies.
“The public response has been astounding. The support and love, the concern for her children, and the community efforts to help locate Jennifer have kept us going. Please be assured that Jennifer’s five children are safe and well-cared for.
“Last night, on Thursday evening, a candlelight vigil was held in New Canaan at St. Aloysius Church, with hundreds of people in attendance, holding up light as a symbol of hope, calling for Jennifer’s safe return. The family and friends are deeply moved by the beauty and ritual of this event, and although we could not attend in person, we are with you in spirit.
“We are immensely grateful to the investigators for their work around the clock, 24/7, to locate Jennifer. Everyone who has shared Jennifer’s story, helped search for her, or provided tips to the police: thank you. If you have any information that might be relevant to this case, if you have seen Jennifer Farber Dulos or have information about her disappearance, please contact the New Canaan Police Tip Line at 203-594-3544.
“Jennifer, we love you and we miss you, and we remain hopeful that you will return to us safe and sound.
“Last, we request that you please respect the privacy of Jennifer’s family and loved ones during this very difficult time. Please do not contact them. Thank you.”