2 thoughts on “Town Takes Step Toward Getting $2 Million in State Grant Funding for Playhouse Renovation

  1. Yes an eyesore in our town was restored to an attractive functional operational theatrical playhouse with a private members only club for the who’s who in New Canaan . But at what cost to the taxpayer? Remember our municipal government does not have money, they have our taxpayer money. They also have a fiduciary responsibility to safeguard and spend those funds prudently. Kudos to Ryan Fazio and Tom O’Dea in their efforts to obtain the state grant. However it is not a done deal and we were misled by our First Selectman and some others back in June that the state grant was already received. Some here we are 2 1/2 months later and the first steps of the grant application is just being submitted. Who dropped the ball?

    . Remember the front page blown up picture, appearing in another town newspaper, of a $2,000,000 check made out to the Town of New Canaan held up at the ribbon cutting in late June. Total lack of transparency.

    However there is much professional skepticism. Even our Town’s Board of Finance and Town Council members were skeptical and bothered by the excessive cost overruns and continual requests for additional funds for this project. Many, including some private investors in the project are still awaiting a proper accounting of the expenditures in this project.

    As a forensic auditor I see parallels to the costly Lakeview Avenue Bridge fiasco and excessive mis management and budgeting in this project.

    I would appreciate an internal audit of the excessive cost overruns instead of a lengthy article of persons patting themselves on the back for doing their jobs that they are paid for doing.

    Yes we have a nice playhouse but at what cost?

    • party pooper
      i honestly don’t know the ins and outs of this grant or its history, but Roy, as you know and as we’ve said here before, the movie theater (and pub) are fully open to the public. let’s please not disparage those who have become members. as noted in past comment threads, they are effectively and generously supporting the Playhouse so that tickets and prices are affordable and even more members of the community and public can go there with even greater frequency. (personally i’m appreciative because i’m going to see “Empire Waist” on Sept. 30 with family.)
      i think there were some elements of this renovation that will serve as a great lesson for the town on handling future capital projects. Here’s an example from the Board of Finance, and I know that both First Selectman Dionna Carlson and Selectman Amy Murphy Carroll discussed the project cost during last year’s campaign. So it’s a known thing, and at this point your call for vigilance feels—to me, at times—more like weaponizing the renovation to poke at your perceived enemies than to serve the community.
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