‘He Was Our Number One Defender’: NCHS Alum Raises Funds in Memory of Coach Art Brown


Art Brown, far right, celebrates the CIAC 2023 State Championships with his cross-country team.

A New Canaan High School alum has successfully raised more than $8,000 and counting to help commemorate one of the Rams great athletic coaches.

Art Brown

That coach is the late Art Brown, a seasoned instructor who provided invaluable mentorship and support to NCHS’s athletic community. Throughout his 15-year tenure as coach for NCHS’s track and cross country teams, he inspired hundreds to be the best they could be, going out of his way to ensure that all students had the individual support they needed.

The fundraiser, started by NCHS ‘23 grad Jackie Siegel, aims to place two benches commemorating coach Brown in Waveny Park. Any excess funds raised will be donated to the scholarship fund started in his name.

“I always wanted to create a tribute to him, and I thought that benches in the park where we practiced would be the perfect way to do so,” Siegel told the New Canaanite. “I just feel like he had a lasting impact on my life, and I want that to continue where he coached us for so many years. He was definitely a motivator, and a support system. I feel like you can ask anyone who knew him and he sort of just always took a genuine interest in your academics and your personal life specifically. He always just wanted to know stuff about your family, and always wanted to know stuff about your family, where you wanted to apply to college, what you wanted to pursue when you were older, and always was definitely a coach, but also a motivator, and someone to go to for advice whenever you need anything.”

Siegel emphasized that coach Brown worked hard to inspire all students, not just members of his team.

“Even if you weren’t coached by him, he loved to show up to other football games or soccer games or games and would always support you,” she said. “My freshman year, I played basketball for one year. It was right next to his office, he would always just walk in during games and watch a little bit, even though it was like a freshman basketball team and we were probably losing by 20 points. As a coach, I think he definitely was interested not only in his athletes but also in the greater high school community.”

Brown died Aug. 9. According to Athletic Director Jay Egan, he had a long and successful career as a teacher and track coach at Stamford High School prior to coming here. “He was named the CHCAA  Track Coach of the Year in 2002 and was inducted into  the FCIAC Hall of Fame in 2008 in recognition of his work as a track coach at both Stamford and Rippowam High Schools,” Egan said in a tribute.

While still in the process of seeking town approval for the memorial benches, Siegel said she’s grateful for all the support the fundraiser has received thus far. Those seeking to install items such as benches in New Canaan’s public parks typically appear before the Parks & Recreation Commission and then the Board of Selectmen and, in many cases, the Town Council for approval.

“I’m really happy with it,” Siegel said of the fundraising effort. “I’m impressed with it, but also I’d say I’m not surprised by how many people wanted to support [not only] the bench tribute, but also his scholarship fund. I’ve spoken to many people who were coached by him at Stamford and have the same exact things to say as students who are still in New Canaan High School and ran track and cross country.”

Other members of the New Canaan Cross Country have expressed their support for the memorial.

“I really like it, because we can run past them every day at practice and be reminded,” said Radea Relaza, a member of the New Canaan Cross Country Team. “We’ve been trying to ‘run for him’ in the past couple of meets. We made these bracelets that say his name, it’s a nice reminder.”

Relaza also shared some stories from her time with coach Brown.

“The trunk of his car was full of old clothes that I don’t even know where he’d gotten half the time, l know one of his daughters worked with Ralph Lauren, so some of them were designer too,” she said. “He would just randomly, at practice, open up his trunk and toss out clothing to people and if you didn’t wear it in front of him, he would be like ‘Wear that sweater I gave you!’ If someone was injured and had to go to the gym to cross train, he would stand by your side and talk to you the entire time so you’re not bored. He was our number one defender.”

The fundraiser page for the memorial benches is contained in the following link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/tribute-to-coach-brown-waveny-park-bench. Those looking to donate directly to the Art Brown Memorial Scholarship can do so here: https://www.nchs-sf.org/art-brown-memorial-scholarship.

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