Op-Ed: Remembering Art Brown


[Jay Egan is athletic director at New Canaan High School.]

Our friend and colleague Coach Art Brown passed on Friday, August 9th. 

Art Brown

Art was a cross country and track coach at New Canaan High School  for the past 15 years. Prior to coaching at NCHS, Art had a long and successful career as a teacher and track coach at Stamford High School.  He was named the CHCAA  Track Coach of the Year in 2002 and was inducted into  the FCIAC Hall of Fame in 2008 in recognition of his work as a track coach at both Stamford and Rippowam High Schools.

Art was loved by all the athletes he coached because they knew he unconditionally cared about each one of them. Art was also a great Fan of the Rams. He regularly attended football, basketball, soccer and lacrosse games and loved to share his coaching advice with the NCHS staff. We will remember Art as a dedicated and passionate coach who was loved and respected by all of his athletes. He treated and supported all athletes on his teams like children of his own regardless of their talent or performances. His dedication to always doing the best he could to help his athletes on and off the track had a profound impact on our program. He will be sorely missed by all.

Working with the New Canaan Scholarship Committee, Art’s family and friends have created a scholarship at New Canaan High School in his memory.  

To donate to Coach Browns scholarship fund please visit https://www.nchs-sf.org/art-brown-memorial-scholarship 

 Art is also being inducted into the New Canaan High School Hall of Fame  s one  of the class of 2024 honorees. The Hall of Fame dinner will take place at the Country Club of New Canaan on October 18th. Details about this event can be found at https://www.ncrams.com/home/hall-of-fame.

7 thoughts on “Op-Ed: Remembering Art Brown

  1. It is with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to dear Coach Brown. He was revered because the athletes knew that first and foremost, he cared about them as individuals. He was a special friend to all of us. We will deeply miss his warm smile on the trails and track. Sending love.

  2. It is with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to dear Coach Brown. He was a stellar coach and a friend to all. We will deeply miss his warm smile on the trails and track. Sending love.

  3. Art Brown was a fabulous educator and coach, and even better human being. In the early days of Camp LiveGirl, Art took a personal interest in encouraging our girls to pursue athletic opportunities. Rest in peace ~

  4. Thank you Jay for the wonderful remembrance. You know first hand all from your track coach days how track is such a welcoming sport to our high school girls. Coach Brown was a natural team builder with a sense of humor and caring that made non-runners want to run and try a wide variety of events.

  5. He loved his athletes and this town more than anything. He even recruited his daughter and her family here ;). Love you dad.

  6. Arthur E. Brown was a mensch. His friends from Burlington (Paul Trono, Bill Wolf, Herb “North Country” Bloomenthal (RIP Herb) and Mike Wool have so many fond memories of this terrific athlete and absolutely delightful and hilarious friend. I’m sure the story has been told of Arthur’s punting skills especially when he faced the rush of a UMass team that had 2 future Hall of Fame players (Gregg Landry and Milt Morin). I still chuckle when I think of so many fond memories of this wonderful human being and friend. RIP. Michael Wool

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