Letter: Farewell and Thank You

After 10 ½ remarkable years at the New Canaan Library, I am stepping down this month. Thank you Michael Dinan and the New Canaanite for the opportunity to convey my gratitude for the widespread and enduring support for the Library which emanates from across our community. Libraries are intertwined in a wonderfully symbiotic relationship with their communities. A great library supports the intellectual, cultural, and social needs of its community in direct proportion to the support it receives. In our case, that special relationship is an exemplar of the absolute best a community library can be.

Op-Ed: The Important Role of Libraries in Building Community

Recently, the New York Times travel section published a piece on libraries as tourist attractions replete with gorgeous photos. How exciting to see phenomenal libraries from places as diverse as Doha, Texas, China and Scandinavia celebrated. Author Alyson Krueger looked at the beautiful designs, the interesting offerings, dollars spent and number of visitors welcome, leaving no doubt these magnificent buildings are worthy of tourists’ time and interest. This latest piece joins similar articles written in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and The Atlantic over the past couple of years. Clearly libraries are experiencing a renaissance and people are taking notice.