New Canaan Emergency Management Director: Storm Prep

Are you prepared for a major storm or hurricane? Major storms are the leading cause of long duration power outages in New Canaan and there is much you can do to be prepared. Being ready starts with you. Know how a storm and its aftermath can potentially affect you:

Power outages for a week or more depending on scale of the disaster

Loss of internet home telephones (VOIP telephones)
Without power your well water pump will not function
Inability to charge cell phones

Inability to leave or access your home due to downed trees and powerlines, or damage to your residence
Large scale road closures and inability to travel

Prepare and be ready! Make sure you are signed up for New Canaan emergency notifications
Visit the National Hurricane Preparedness site
Have an emergency preparedness kit
Have a shelter plan (where can you go if you become displaced?)
Have a family emergency communications plan (how can you contact each other in an emergency)

Items to include in your preparedness kit

Water (a gallon per day per person for 5 or more days)
Non-potable water to flush toilets with if on well water (before a storm – a filled bathtub is a good solution)
Food (a 5 or more day supply of non-perishable food)
Flashlight & extra batteries
First Aid Kit
Moist towelettes (for personal sanitation)
Manual can opener
Prescription & nonprescription medications (have a supply to last up to several weeks if possible)
Prescription eyeglasses and contact solution
Instant formula, bottles, diapers, wipes and diaper rash cream
Food and water for your pet(s) for 5 or more days
Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person
Fire extinguisher
Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items

If you have any additional questions on how to be best prepared visit or contact New Canaan Emergency Management at (203) 594-4101.