Carriage Barn’s Annual Member Show To Open Sept. 7; Submission Deadline Aug. 4 [Q&A]


2023 Carriage Barn Arts Center Member Show opening

The Carriage Barn Arts Center’s 2024 Annual Member Show is set to run Sept. 7 to Oct. 5. The deadline for submissions is Aug. 4. We caught up with the nonprofit organization’s executive director, Hilary Wittmann, to get some background and details on the big exhibition. 

Here’s our exchange.


New Canaanite: How long has the Carriage Barn Arts Center been running its member show? How many entrants generally come in from how many artists? Please give us some background on the show.

2023 Carriage Barn Arts Center Member Show opening

Hilary Wittmann: The member show was the very first art exhibition in the Carriage Barn when it opened in 1977, so this is the 47th year and it’s become our largest exhibition of the season. It is an open exhibition, meaning that all mediums, styles and subject matter are accepted. Last year’s exhibition included 175 pieces, and really showcases the range, interests and skills of the Carriage Barn artist members. It’s always an exciting “kick-off” to our exhibition season. 

Describe the range of submissions in terms of type—are these primarily paintings, sculpture, photography, mixed media, or something else?

All of the above! The work also ranges from traditional to experimental and includes representational and abstract or conceptual work. There’s really something for everyone, so it’s become a very popular exhibition for people looking to discover and connect with local artists, and to buy artwork for their home. 

2023 Carriage Barn Arts Center Member Show opening

These are works of art from Carriage Barn members. How many members does the organization currently count? What is the process for becoming a member? What are the benefits of membership, beyond the ability to submit for entry to this show?

Membership is open to anyone practicing or interested in the arts, so we have artist members as well as arts “patron” members who participate in our lectures, art tours and other programs. We have over 400 members who are primarily from New Canaan and surrounding towns, but also quite a few from New York and beyond who are active participants. While the Carriage Barn gallery and many programs are open to all, members have the opportunity to attend special talks and workshops, informal meet-ups and coordinated gatherings where they can connect with other artists or people interested in local cultural opportunities. 

2023 Carriage Barn Arts Center Member Show

Talk about the quality of the artwork that comes in from the Carriage Barn membership. Are the works coming in from students, hobbyists, professionals, instructors? All of the above?

The quality is really impressive. Our members include established, professional artists, as well as students, hobbyists and people just looking to begin or grow their art career. This exhibition and all the related events are great opportunities for artists to connect with each other, share and/or learn from others, and even be discovered by collectors.

How is the show judged and what awards, if any, are given out to submitting artists?

2023 Carriage Barn Arts Center Member Show

The member show has always been about participation and showcasing artists, rather than a competition. We ask artists to submit up to three pieces, and select the one that best represents them and compliments the show. Five years ago we established the Betty Barker Award, named for one of the founders of the Carriage Barn who was an accomplished local artist. Members of our exhibition committee select this winner (and honorable mentions) each year which are announced at the opening reception. 

What else would you like to tell our readers about the 2024 Annual Member Show?

We hope that anyone who’s been thinking about exhibiting or is new to the Carriage Barn takes this opportunity to join and participate! From the opening reception on September 7 to the closing which coincides with our annual Waveny Park Arts Fest on October 6, there will be many gallery programs and opportunities to be part of the Carriage Barn community!

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