2020 Vision from Jeanne McDonagh on Vimeo.
The 33rd Annual New Canaan High School Senior Art Show, “2020 Vision,” is being shared and celebrated virtually (video above). It includes 17 one-person retrospectives in media such as drawing, painting, photography, digital media and film. Congratulations to the following students, who are featured in the show: Claire Batchelor, Brooke Barber, Audrey Bloom, Jane Charlton, Josh Cohn, Skye Curren, Devin Findlay, Kiera Finnerty, Charlotte Gardner, Emily Gelchie, Andrew Jameson, Mary Joyce, Jeronimo Reyes, Caroline Tuffy, Emma Uzgiris, Dustin Valenti, and Pablo Villa.
New Canaan Police at 1:04 a.m. Sunday cited a 40-year-old Bridgeport man on marijuana-related charges after spotting him in a car in Waveny. The park closes at sundown, under local ordinance.
The Board of Education during a special meeting Thursday voted unanimously to institute days off from distance learning on Friday, May 11 and Mondays June 1 and 8. The last day of e-learning will be Friday, June 12, New Canaan High School graduation will be held Monday June 15 and the last day of school will be Tuesday, June 16.

Russell Kimes III is commander of the Howard M. Bossa and Peter C. Langenus Post 653 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Contributed
The New Canaan VFW Post this week announced that it has renamed itself the “Howard M. Bossa and Peter C. Langenus Post 653 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States,” honoring the dedicated years of service of the late Col. Peter C. Langenus. A veteran who organized and oversaw the Memorial and Veterans Day ceremonies for the past several years, and who also led efforts to create and display the plaques honoring New Canaan servicemen and women that are in the north lobby of Town Hall, he passed away in January. In addition, the VFW elected a new slate of officers:
- Commander: Russell Kimes III
- Senior Vice Commander: Mike Mc Glinn
- Junior Vice Commander: Chris Cogswell
- Quartermaster: John McLane
- Chaplain: Brian vander Hayden
- Adjutant: Paul Sedlak
- Service Officer: Leon Krolikowski
- Judge Advocate: John McLane
- Surgeon: John McLane
Kimes is a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps having served in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, 1st Force Service Support Group as the Battalion S-2 Intelligence NCOIC, having been honorably discharged in 2008 with the rank of Sergeant. The third-generation New Canaanite volunteers as assistant chief of New Canaan Fire Co. #1, where he has been a member for 22 years. He earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Connecticut and an associate’s degree in criminal justice from Briarwood College. Kimes is a vice president with Morgan Stanley and the head of HR Data Governance.
New Canaan as of Monday night had 206 positive cases of COVID-19 virus, and 28 people had succumbed to coronavirus disease, according to Emergency Management Director Mike Handler.

Inside the Secret Garden off of Chichester Road. Photo courtesy of Faith Kerchoff
New Canaan’s “Secret Garden” is coming into full bloom this week and next. Located at 89 Chichester Road, the garden was owned by George Lee, and he left it to the New Canaan Beautification League in 1978. Lee collected azaleas, rhododendrons and many other plants. Volunteers have added many new plants to the garden in the past year. “It is an example of what can be grown in this rocky New England terrain,” the League says. “There is a parking lot on the grounds. Please use social distancing on the trails. Trails are open dawn to dusk.”
Be sure to check the Chamber of Commerce website for future “Zoom Downtown” virtual events.
This year’s New Canaan Dog Days has been rescheduled for 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 8 at the New Canaan Nature Center.
New Canaan-based nonprofit organization LiveGirl is partnering with the Carriage Barn Arts Center for the exhibit “She Is Rising,” featuring artwork by Ashley Longshore, TL Duryea and Michele Voight. It will run May 27 to June 7 with a virtual gallery and in-person viewings by appointment, and $25 tickets are available here.
New Canaan’s Maddox Law Firm at 12 p.m. Saturday is holding a free Zoom conference “PPP Guidelines, Loan Forgiveness and Changes Coming Soon.” Details here.
Finally, the New Canaan Men’s Club—formerly known as the “Senior Men’s Club”—on May 1 elected Keith Richey as its president. He succeeds Roger Williams in the role. Jim Carty is serving his second term as vice president, and Les Kurian also was elected vice president.
Absolutely awesome work by Jeanne McDonagh’s class at NCHS! I watched the video all the way through and am so impressed by all the talent. Congratulations to the 2020 seniors!
Jeanne McDonagh is an amazing art teacher. She discovers talent in her students and encourages them to pursue their visions and to render them skillfully. With absolutely good reason, her students love her.
So great to see the annual senior art show – takes me back to my time in Mrs. McDonagh’s class. She gave us all the encouragement we needed to grow our creative vision, and I learned so much about photography under her guidance. Thank you, Mrs. McD!!!