The Board of Selectmen on Tuesday approved proposed new rates at Waveny Pool for the upcoming season and moved forward an appropriation of $131,500 out of the self-sustaining pool’s own fund to get a water heater in it ahead of the Memorial Day weekend opening. If May is a cold weather month, the water temperature can get as low as 68 degrees on opening, before the summer sun moves up the barometer, according to the town’s recreation director.

Bald eagles scavenge on a deer carcass at Laurel Reservoir in New Canaan on Feb. 19, 2016. Credit: Joe Melvin
Dozens of residents flocked to the Laurel Reservoir through the weekend to get photos of the bald eagles that had been spotted there Thursday morning, scavenging the carcass of a deer that appeared to have died on an icy surface. Animal Control Officer Allyson Halm said she has seen as many as five bald eagles there, two adults and three younger birds.

A new system of crosswalks and push-button, pedestrian-activated signs is coming to God’s Acre. Image courtesy of the New Canaan Department of Public Works
The new push-button signs planned for pedestrians at God’s Acre where St. John’s Place comes in have arrived, according to Tiger Mann of the Department of Public Works, and will be installed as soon as the frost is out of the ground.
Chelsea Piers in Stamford is offering complimentary week-long passes to New Canaanites this week.

Barbara Wilson of the Inland Wetlands Commission at her last meeting on Feb. 22, 2016. She was an actively involved member for three years. The nameplate went with her. Credit: Michael Dinan
The Inland Wetlands Commission on Monday bade farewell to Barbara Wilson, a member since 2013, who resigned as she is preparing to launch her own company (Barbara Wilson Landscape Architect LLC, website to launch soon) whose work will include areas regularly addressed by the volunteer group. The town attorney advised that her staying on would be a direct conflict of interest, officials said. Fellow commissioner Thomas DeMartino said: “I have certainly listened to you and learned a lot about species I had never heard of. We will miss your expertise, Barbara.” Wilson said she “really enjoyed being here” as a member of the commission.

The New Canaan Winter Club U12A CT Ice Cats, state champs. Contributed
Congratulations to the New Canaan Winter Club’s Mite A and U12A CT Ice Cats hockey teams on notching state championship titles.
We’re hearing that the Mites won all four of their games decisively on Feb. 21, and that the Ice Cats went 4-0 through their Girls U12 Tier II Division Championship and now advance to the New England Regional Tournament to be held in Nashua, N.H. in March. Good luck! Here’s a list of the Mite A team’s players and coaches, followed by the Ice Cats’:

The New Canaan Winter Club’s Mite A team, winners of a state championship title. Contributed
Players: Drew Burr, Hunter Dryden, Lincoln Durfee, Bauer Gammill, Teddy Gargano, Chase Harden, George Ives, Mac John, Russell Lancaster, Cole Longfield, Sarah Mettler, Graydon Raabe, Patrick Saxe, Madeline Tully, Brooks Walker. Coaches: Mike Carlucci, Tammy Dryden and Barry Durfee. Players: Kelly Benson, Grace Crowell, Brooke Edwards, Lucy Edwards, Sadie Frame, Meadow Gilchrist, Emily Greenhaw. Kaleigh Harden, Tess Hobbs, Molly Longfield, Catherine Martin, Angelica Megdanis, Blythe Novick, Courtney O’Connell, Kelly Raymond, Nina Stoops, Josephine Williams. Coaches: Sean Hurley and Rob Benson.

Dr. Maria Karayiannis
Dr. Maria Karayiannis is up and running with her practice, My Smile Orthdontics, on Park Street. Karayiannis opened last year and has been seeing regular customers for the past month or so, following a renovation of the space. The office offers free custom mouth guards to local sports teams.
Samayoga on Grove Street is offering a $29 “Leap Year Special”—a pass that gives clients two weeks of unlimited classes.
Kudos to NCHS freshman Sadie Seelert on her rendition of the National Anthem at Monday night’s Rams basketball game. Seelert, an accomplished performer who has appeared on Broadway, did a terrific job that earned a well-deserved standing ovation from fans and players from both New Canaan and visiting Danbury. Word has it that her uncle Steve taught her everything she knows.

(l-r) Rachel Keshin, Kara Fahey, Gillian Kane, Molly Keshin at the Adirondack Sport Complex. Credit: Cooper Dinan
Congrats to New Canaan softball players Molly and Rachel Keshin, Kara Fahey and Gillian Kane. The quartet had a great weekend playing for the CT Legends 18u travel team, which went 4-2 against regional teams and finished in the Elite Eight at the at the Adirondack Sports Complex Winterfest Tournament in Queensbury, NY. The UVA-bound Keshin twins set the tone for the Legends at the plate as Rachel batted .500 with a double and three runs while Molly hit .400, scoring six times with three stolen bases. Fahey, an NCHS freshman, hit .429 and scored three times and sophomore Kane batted .417 with four RBI and struck out nine batters in 8.1 innings pitched. All four players are members of the NCHS softball team that opens its 2016 season April 2nd.
Officials dismissed New Canaan Public Schools early on Tuesday, with a nasty weather forecast of snow mixed with rain. The last day of school, at this point, remains Wednesday, June 15.
The selectmen on Tuesday approved the proposed 2016 Waveny Pool pass fee schedule.

Sixth-grade field hockey players Keira Cooney, Rachel Gilio and Grace Gilman. Contributed
Best of luck to the New Canaan girls playing for U12 Fairfield County United indoor field hockey club. They traveled to Pottstown, Penn. on Saturday to compete against the nation’s top-ranked program. The girls will continue to play at next week’s 3-day National Indoor Tournament against teams from California to Maine, in Lancaster, Penn.

Bankwell Branch Manager Elizabeth Buzzeo (L) and Lapham Director Lyn Bond. Contributed
Bankwell Branch Manager Elizabeth Buzzeo led a seminar about how to protect one’s identity at the Lapham Community Center on Feb. 18. The center is located at the north end of Waveny, offers a wide variety of activities for New Canaan residents including an active adult education program. It is also the location for programs of the Senior Center of New Canaan, Inc. Town Councilman Penny Young has noted for us that the namesake of the Lapham Community Center is Elise Lapham, wife of Lewis Lapham’s son David. “She lived there for many years, raised their children there, and was a major benefactor to the 1996 renovation of the Bungalow,” Young told us in an email.

Marco Grangeiro, pro at the Country Club of New Canaan. Contributed
Two New Canaan women are working with the Connecticut Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association on an awareness campaign that’s launching in April. “Paint the Town Purple” will see local businesses and organizations show their support by placing clings in their windows, pinwheels in their flower pots and wearing purple, among other things. Those interested in participating or hearing more should contact Nancy Bemis ( – 203-249-5620) or Christina Fagerstal ( – 203-536-1402).
Local platform tennis players and fans are gearing up for the 81st American Platform Tennis Association National Championships, which will kick off next Friday, March 4 and run through the weekend. Locally, matches will be held at the Country Club of New Canaan, Waveny and New Canaan Field Club. Marco Grangeiro, pro at the Country Club of New Canaan, is ranked No. 3 in the country and one of the top players in the tournament. Good luck!
Congratulations to the New Canaan Country School Girls’ Varsity Hockey team, which placed third at the 17th Girls’ Invitational Hockey Tournament hosted by Upland Country Day School, Kennett Square, Penn.

Top- Coach Andrew Dole, Coach Scott Lilley, Sloane Latimer (Darien), Lucy Jones (Darien), Katie Stevens (Darien), Brynn McClymont (Darien), Mimi Pastor (Darien), Grace English (New Canaan), Christina Halloran (Darien), Coach Caryn Purcell, Coach Lindsey MacDonald
Bottom- Amalia Calderini (Greenwich), Alice Purkiss (Ridgefield), Lily von Stade (Darien), Meghan Griffiths (New Canaan), Eloise Leclerc (Darien), Lauren Walsh (Wilton), Elizabeth Woodbury (Darien), Ellie Boeschenstein (New Canaan), Ella Green (Darien)
They had a decisive 3-0 win against Greenwich Country Day School, tied two games, 2-2 against Lansdale Catholic High School and 3-3 against Rumsey Hall School, and lost to Upland 1-2.
***’s monthly Community Coffee, presented in partnership with New Canaan Library, will be held 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. next Thursday, March 3 in the Lamb Room at the library. Join us!