DUI Charge for Woman, 35, After Car Crash


Police last month arrested a 35-year-old Stamford woman by warrant in connection with a car crash on Route 123 in June.

Police responded at 8:29 p.m. on June 6 (a Thursday) to the area of Smith Ridge and Michigan Roads, where they found a Kia Optima overturned on its passenger side, laying on a guard rail, officials said.

The driver—breathing but unconscious—was found on the passenger side of the vehicle with her body at an angle, with officers assisting her, according to an arrest warrant application signed July 8 by a state Superior Court judge.

The airbags had deployed, and the woman wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, so she was placed on a longboard with a neck collar for support, according to the police affidavit, obtained by NewCanaanite.com

When she started to wake up, the woman “became aggressive and kept insisting she was okay and to let her go,” the application said. Authorities could smell alcohol on the woman’s breath. Asked about her night, the woman “admitted to drinking approximately 5-6 Corona’s” and was transported to Norwalk Hospital after field sobriety tests, the application said. Police obtained a search warrant for lab tests at the hospital which showed the woman’s blood-alcohol level was .2, which is 2.5 times the legal limit.

At the scene of the crash, police found 377 feet worth of tire tracks on the right shoulder of the road, followed by impact with a utility pole, rock wall driveway and mailbox, which were destroyed, the application said. Some 50 feet of damage to the guardrail also could be seen, it said.

With a flashlight, police saw open beer cans in the car, including two Modelo cans on the floor of the passenger side, and one glass Corona bottle found outside the vehicle. 

“It appears that the bottle fell out when the vehicle was overturned,” the application said.

A Budweiser can also could be seen by the right rear tire, the application said.

She was charged with driving under the influence and cited for failure to drive right and failure to wear a seatbelt.

The woman was released on $2,500 bond and scheduled to appear July 30 in state Superior Court. According to Connecticut Judicial Branch, the woman has not yet pleaded and will be arraigned Sept. 27.

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