New Canaan’s Michael Mauro, an attorney for 20-plus years who has served on the Town Council for six years, this week announced his candidacy for re-election to the legislative body. We put some questions to Mauro ahead of the July 25 Republican caucus, where he will seek party backing.
Here’s our exchange.
New Canaanite: What is your background professionally and in terms of living and volunteering here in New Canaan?

Michael Mauro
Michael Mauro: I have been a practicing attorney for over 20 years. My areas of expertise include labor and employment law, corporate law and regulatory compliance. My practice includes appellate advocacy before state and federal appellate courts, jury trials and arbitrations. I also maintain a robust corporate advisory practice and negotiate with labor unions on behalf of corporations. My New Canaan town experience includes the honor of serving as a member of Town Council for six years (so far). In that time, I have chaired the Town Council’s Public Safety Committee that acts as the liaison between TC and first responder departments, i.e., Police, Fire, EMS, Emergency Services. I also sit on the Police Building Committee overseeing the design and reconstruction of the police headquarters that will remain in its current location. I am a member of the New Canaan Exchange Club and thoroughly enjoy participating in setting up the annual Christmas Tree lot at Kiwanis along with the dedicated members of the Club. I am a member of the Board of Directors of New Canaan Youth Football that is responsible for oversight and organization of NC’s youth football program. I also proudly serve as a Eucharistic Minister at Saint Aloysius.
Why are you running for re-election as a Town Councilman?
This town is a truly special place in American society. While its physical beauty and first-class school system attracted my wife and I enough to move here, the unique beauty of the town was revealed to me through getting to know its residents and absorbing the town’s rhythm. I dare to say that the town’s culture is a sensitive ecosystem that has been carefully curated and cultivated over the course of its history. There is a great legacy we all have inherited from previous generations of New Canaanites; typified by civility in how we treat each other, respect for diverse viewpoints, extraordinary devotion to ensuring all the town’s resources are safeguarded and enhanced whether it be the school system, open spaces, youth sports facilities, not-for-profits serving our seniors and others in need to mention a few. The aforementioned attributes that constitute the necessary formula that make our town special require vigilance in protecting. My concern is that if we, as the body politic, deviate to any degree from that formula it will make resolving challenges (e.g. mobile phone service, affordable housing solutions, how we tax and spend) that confront us much more difficult and, perhaps, result in less than optimal outcomes with unintended negative consequences. I am seeking re-election to continue to ensure that the formula remains intact and vibrant for the benefit of all of us now and for generations to come.
What do you view as the biggest issues facing New Canaan?
Supporting the newly constituted Affordable Housing Committee to develop a “Marshall Plan” to develop an affordable housing plan that balances residents’ concerns and property rights with statutory requirements. Continued enhancement of the town’s mobile and digital communications capacity. There has been a quantum leap forward in cell receptivity that must be vigorously pursued to ensure the right solution that all residents will support. We must also continue to be mindful of maintaining fiscal discipline by keeping an eye on borrowing to fund town initiatives that are for “must need” initiatives not “nice to have” items.
What do you view as your single major accomplishment as a Town Councilman?
That’s tough to identify because I’m right about everything so… (that’s sarcasm). Being as straightforward as possible in stating my position/opinion on any particular issue. I believe the first obligation of an elected official is to instill a sense of confidence and integrity in the citizenry so they know the process of deciding matters that impact their lives is done transparently, thoughtfully and with honest deliberation.
Finally, tell us something about yourself that many New Canaanites likely don’t know.
My yorkie has preternatural mind control abilities that command my obedience even when he’s being bad. A role reversal I have yet to harmonize with my intentions going into my relationship with him.
A huge asset to New Canaan, he’d be an ideal chairman.