Election 2024: Endorsement Letters


NewCanaanite.com recently received the following letter(s) of endorsement for the 2024 election. Please send letters to editor@newcanaanite.com through Oct. 21 for publication here.


To Editor Mike Dinan:

This year, in the 125th District (New Canaan, Darien, and North Stamford) we finally have a fresh entry in the race for the state house—a candidate who, with new ideas and innovation, will drive the change and improvement we so urgently need.

As a recent attendee at the Democratic BBQ on Sept 8, I personally was delighted to see Jason Bennett step up to vie for the General Assembly seat currently held by Republican Tom O’Dea. Jason is a small business owner and family man with three young daughters (including three-year-old twins). Like so many of us, he is determined to see his girls grow up in a community that is invested in their success, safety, and well-being.

Importantly, Jason stands firm in the fight against the obscene rollback of a woman’s right to protect her own body and reproductive choices. He has stated that he is appalled at “the idea of politicians and courts at any level of government—and their supporters up and down the ballot—believing that they can exercise control over women’s bodies.”

He also wants to focus on economic growth in our District, moving past “the same tired old arguments about taxes and spending” coming from state politicians, with little eye to the future and the innovations we can now deploy. With his background as a Chief Technology Officer, he would work to attract the world-class talent our area has to offer. He sees tech and untapped innovation as keys to both maintaining the special character of our towns and lowering our cost of living. More modern transportation, for instance, is critical for work and general access, and is well overdue.

Additionally on the Bennett platform, but no less urgent: protecting our environment, prioritizing school excellence and safety, enacting gun safety and responsible gun ownership policies, and addressing rising energy costs in our District.

My final words to readers about our excellent leadership options this year: Please complete your entire ballot on election day, and support the outstanding down-ballot choices we have! Remember that change means grass roots: It happens from the bottom up.

Katherine Grayson

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