19 thoughts on “‘I’ve Had Great People Around Me’: Mose Saccary To Retire After 44 Years with the DPW

  1. Mose was one of the most approachable guys in Town service, always with a smile, a can-do attitude and a funny story along the way. Whether it was stocking a fishpond, planting streetscape tree’s or repairing an old roadside stonewall, Mose found a way to get it done. What always shone through was his deep appreciation for our Town’s charm and history. Bravo Mose!!!

  2. Dear Mose,
    Congratulations on reaching this incredible milestone! Retirement is such an exciting new chapter, and I couldn’t be happier for you . You’ve worked so hard and made such a difference along the way ( YOU WILL BE MISSED) ,and now it’s time to sit back , relax and enjoy all the things you’ve always wanted to do..
    Jenny Esposito

  3. Mose will be sorely missed at the highway department and beyond. I had the great privilege of working with him during Irene, Sandy, and a few lesser storms and the cooperation and comodery within his department was a blessing. I have faith that whoever takes his place will continue in his style.

  4. I have a little Mose story from a few years ago: my mom and I were walking my dogs down our street when one of the orange trucks came by and slowed down. Mose was driving. I was on crutches and carrying a full poop bag and he said, “do you want to throw that in the back?” I replied, “no thanks, that’s OK,” a little embarrassed thinking about someone else having to dispose of my dogs’ poop. But he gently insisted and so I tossed it into the bed of the truck. I’m sure he doesn’t remember that but I’ll never forget it. It was such a kind and caring gesture. I think that speaks volumes about him. He certainly cared deeply about our town and all the guys who worked for/with him and will be sorely missed. Congratulations on your retirement Mose and thanks for all you’ve done for our town!!

  5. Congratulations, Mose! I know you’ve given your all to this town, and you deserve a long and happy retirement. This town will miss you being on the job and always on the ball.

  6. Best wishes for a wonderful retirement, Mose! We need to mention the Fishing Derby as well, Terrific job, and thank you!

  7. There is nobody better! He was instrumental in helping us at the DAR with getting the American flags up in the downtown area every year! I will miss him! THE BEST!

  8. Good luck Mose!
    You are certainly going to be missed. It was a pleasure working with you for so many years, as you always stepped up to help the State DOT during a crisis. My supervisor Danny DeGennaro thought you we so freaking cool and so do I! My dad loved you and thanks for taking care of my brother Danny too!
    Love, Karen Hussey

  9. Dear Mose!
    Here your old art teacher at NCHS! Peg Risom 😂 so wonderful having you in class, smiling, waving out of your truck over the years. All best wishes to this new chapter in your life, safe travels, stay well & have FUN!

  10. Congratulations Mose!!!
    Changing gears can be a bit of a challenge. You’ll soon find new purpose and values.
    Job well done. Thank you sincerely! < danny weed

  11. Oh man Mose! Say it ain’t so!
    I will miss you, the town will miss you (Tiger will miss you!).

    Thank you for all your years of service.
    On my Mt. Rushmore of New Canaanites I would slide you right in there between Steve Benko and Joe Toppin.

    See ya on down the road.

  12. Congrats Mose!
    You were a pleasure for our New Canaan Beautification group to work with. Whether it was putting up holiday wreaths, or hanging baskets, working at the Mead Park Gold Star Walk and bridge, or planting 2,000 daffodils across from Saxe at the showcase area! You are the best. And I know your crew, Jimmy and Lou will carry on the work with Mose pride.

  13. Thank you, Mose, for everything. I especially loved seeing all the wild flowers at the intersection of Parade Hill Rd. & Rte. 123 and hope the crew will continue that tradition. Happy retirement to you – well deserved!

  14. It is often said that being “taken for granted” is the best compliment of all. New Canaan has been fortunate to be able to count on you for more than four decades, Mose! Thank you for your many contributions. Good luck and God speed in your retirement!

  15. Thank you, Mose for all your time and efforts in making NC the beautiful and safe place we all call home. Your meadow at 123, your work with NCGC, and all your help and efforts for NC Land Trust are a lasting gift and testament to your service and dedication. Thank you.

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