Dear Editor,
I was thrilled to learn that Mike Handler is running for Governor of Connecticut. Mike is a hidden treasure and a man of courage and vision. My experience in working with Mike is that he is a man who gets things done, and in a time when people trip over one another to receive accolades, Mike is only interested in getting things done.

Michael Handler of New Canaan, a Republican, is putting in a bid for Connecticut governor. Contributed
He has served both Democratic and Republican administrations and has demonstrated a unique ability to rise above partisan politics and petty interests. Mike has proven success in both business and government and will bring a sorely needed professional acumen and problem solving ability to the citizens of Connecticut. Mike is not driven by ego or motivated by self interest. He is guided by a simple, timeless, paradigm; that good government is about serving the public good, not the interests of a political agenda.
This is but a short list of Mike attributes but clearly, these skills and attributes are sorely needed, particularly in this divisive and time when the challenges of leadership are so accute. This is certainly a time in which the conventions of politics, and politicians must be cast aside in favor of someone who has the skill set and the foresight to think outside the box and work for the people of Connecticut.
Mike Handler is such a leader and I would urge all voters to give Mike’s background, experience and his record of accomplishments, a close and serious look. In doing so, they will conclude that he is the right man, at the right time, for this enormously challenging job.
Tony Pavia
Retired Teacher, Administrator and Principal
Stamford High School, New Canaan High School,
Darien High School, Trinity Catholic High School.