Letters of Endorsement


NewCanaanite.com recently received the following letter(s) of endorsement. We will publish endorsement letters from New Canaan residents through Oct. 24. Please send them to editor@newcanaanite.com.


To the Editor

With 15 years’ experience serving on New Canaan’s Board of Education, I have learned that achieving sustained excellence and innovation in our schools requires a BOE dedicated to serving the best interests of the students. Since education is a people business, the BOE must hire top educators and then support them. The BOE needs to set high academic standards and then require accountability, cost management and continuous improvement. The BOE should not substitute its lay opinions on curriculum and education for those of the talented administrators and teachers they have hired. A BOE should not put politics above the best interests of the children. A partisan BOE cannot retain the talent or support the continuous development, energy and commitment needed to deliver a world class education for all our students.

Please take some time and read the candidates’ positions and listen to their podcasts. There are very real differences between the candidates this year and their goals for our schools.

Choose continued excellence. Vote for Brendan Hayes, Lauren Nussbaum and Josh Kaye. They are each highly qualified, open-minded and forward-looking. They will partner with our talented teachers and administration with the singular goal of serving the best interests of the students.

Penny Rashin


Like many people in New Canaan, we moved here from NYC because of the value that New Canaan places in its school system. The best school systems have high levels of parent involvement and leaders who serve by working alongside the members of the community. We are excited that Matt Campbell, Lara Kelly, and Matt Wexler are running as BOE candidates. We have worked alongside each of them in various service projects, community events, and sports. They each have a strong moral compass, are judicious, and servant leaders. We have confidence they will put our children first and continue the longstanding tradition of excellence in our schools. “

Spencer and Madison Ellingson


’m writing to express my vote for Amy Murphy Carroll, Brendan Hayes, Lauren Connolly Nussbaum and Josh Kaye. This is prime time for planning and development as our town grows. The experience of this slate outperforms the other as strategists with governance mindsets who will deliver lasting improvements for our town as elected representatives. Their focus is on the prospective role, the elected job, supporting transparent planning, financing, and accountability from contracts and our schools, which must remain relevant, credentialed and prepared.

Looking forward to this race.

Megan Wunderlich 


I am pleased to support Amy Murphy Carroll in the upcoming 2023 election for First Selectman.  Without question, Amy is the most qualified and experienced candidate when it comes to municipal finance.  With a Cornell degree, Wharton MBA, 30 years working as a municipal bond executive and 10 years with New Canaan’s Board of Finance, she is by far the most accomplished candidate running for First Selectman.  New Canaan’s tax dollars will be scrutinized and spent wisely.  

Anyone who has witnessed Amy at the Board of Finance meetings knows she is fiscally conservative and yet supportive of our Town’s priorities.  She has been a passionate participant in many of the recent capital projects including Saxe Middle School and the Police Building renovations. 

I’ve known Amy for 25 years and she is bright, determined, a strong communicator, inclusive leader and willing to ask the tough questions.  

I overwhelmingly endorse her candidacy. 

Nicoline Carlson Sawabini

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