4 thoughts on “Letters of Endorsement

  1. “While Democrat BOE members continued to push the administration’s stated proposal”: This is an interesting rewrite of history, not surprisingly in a way that attempts to politicize a BOE that was not political before 2021 when the author of this letter took office. When Dionna was on the BOE, the original proposal with HS at 8:30 was supported by all of the BOE except Dionna and Bob Naughton. So 3 Dems, 4 Rs in support. It has nothing to do with politics. Dionna wasn’t even on the board anymore when the current schedule was proposed. Plus the current schedule costs more than the original, not less, especially when accounting for the extra resources needed at saxe to accommodate splitting 5/6 and 7/8 in a way that prevents some resources from being shared. Which I would think the author of this would know, considering she was in office when it was voted on. Both plans had similar costs and required all schedules to change. Today, when kids are in 8-12th grade, they will get 30 minutes more sleep vs the 1 hour more sleep in the original plan that was supported, again, by everyone on the BOE at that time except Dionna and Bob. We will never know how much that plan would have been liked (or not) in the follow up survey.

  2. This is an incredible misrepresentation of the long journey to a successful school start time change. I won’t repeat all of the inaccuracies cited in the comment above but this attempt to take credit for the hard work of the people who actually put in many hours to find the best solution for our town is both divisive and embarrassing. The Democratic BOE members voted for a later start time for high school students that would be in line with the recommendations of the medical community, not “the administration’s stated proposal”. It was Dr. Luizzi and Katrina Parkhill who stood up in the end and pushed for this compromise solution in an attempt (I believe) to take into account the concerns of the Athletic Director and parents of athletes, and the concerns of the teachers around their commutes and family obligations. Please please please stop electing extreme partisans who spend so much time twisting facts and trying to divide us.