Library Board: CEO and President Resigns


The CEO and president of New Canaan Library has resigned after four months in the position, according to a press release issued by the organization’s Board of Trustees.

Bob Butman, chair of the Board, said that the director, Kim McNally, “is an exemplary librarian and we wish her well in her decision to pursue a new course.”

She started Feb. 1 and her resignation is effective May 31, the press release said.

The press release said that “[d]uring this transition period, management of the library will be led by Ellen Sullivan Crovatto, VP of External Affairs & Philanthropy and Cheryl Capitani, VP of Operations, each of whom has a tenure of 10-plus years at the Library.”

Butman said in the release, “The Library is in excellent hands. We are all deeply grateful for and confident in the continued skillful guidance this experienced leadership team provides.”

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