Meet the New Canaan Rotary Club [Q&A]


Rotary Club

This month, is publishing Q&As with local service organizations—volunteer groups that give back to the community while offering connection, camaraderie and fun. 

Today we feature the Rotary Club of New Canaan (whose hugely popular Lobsterfest is coming Sept. 27-28). 

Here’s our exchange with the nonprofit organization’s president, Amy Gildea.


New Canaanite: Please give us some background on the Rotary Club. How and when did the organization start.

Rotary Club

Amy Gildea: The Rotary Club was founded in 1905 in Chicago so members from diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas, establish friendships and give back to their communities. The Rotary Club of New Canaan was founded in 1959 to serve our local community by raising funds to donate to nonprofits. There are 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide who work together to promote the idea of service. 

Describe Rotary’s membership, how many members are there and what are the guidelines for membership.

The Rotary Club of New Canaan currently has 60 members of all ages and walks of life. Our members are of various ages, professions and interests which is the strength of our organization. The mission we subscribe to is “service above self” and this goal binds us together. We raise money primarily through Lobsterfest which is donated to local nonprofits and our international projects. It is gratifying to meet the people who run these organizations which accomplish so much to improve the lives and outcomes for their members. There is an incredible amount of good work being done which is not publicized. 

All members are expected to apply the four way test to all things we say and do:

  1. Is it the truth?
  2. Is it fair to all concerned?
  3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

People join Rotary who believe that if we work together we can make the world a better place. Strong friendships grow and flourish when this work is done with sincerity and humor. We also have social activities throughout the year to promote friendship.

How often does Rotary meet and what activities does the organization offer?

The Rotary Club meets every Thursday at 12:15 pm at Waveny House and we have an interesting speaker who imparts knowledge and inspires with their story. The meeting ends promptly at 1:30 pm.

We encourage all residents who are interested in service to the community to join us for lunch so they can get to know us and see if Rotary is right for them. Please contact Amy Gildea at with any questions. 

Our primary fundraiser is Lobsterfest which is in its 39th year. We sell dinners which are served at the Benko pool pavilion or are available for take out. Our members will deliver dinner to large parties. The $65,000 in proceeds from last year’s Lobsterfest were distributed as grants to support education, hunger prevention, mental and physical health, homelessness and support for seniors and youth. In addition grants were sent to Rotary International to clear land mines and fight polio worldwide. Rotary has vaccinated 3.5 billion children against polio. 

What would you say to a new resident of New Canaan who is interested in Rotary?

The Rotary Club encourages all who are interested in service to the community and good company to join us for lunch and a meeting at Waveny House any Thursday at 12:15 pm so they can get to know us and see if Rotary is right for them. We also invite any prospective members to join us for any of our service projects. 

What else would you like to say about Rotary Club?

Rotary is a special organization where member’s gifts and talents are appreciated and used to benefit our local communities and the world.

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