Who Knew: A Beginner’s Guide to Winged New Canaan

‘Who Knew?’ is sponsored by Walter Stewart’s Market. When facing the waning years of your (ahem) forties, you have two choices. You can learn all the Gen Z slang and TikTok dances to cling, Gollum-like, to your waning youth, or you can slide into the sensible, low-heeled comforts of the retiree lifestyle a couple of decades early and start caring about things like warblers, relaxed-fit pants, and the lighthouses of the Eastern Seaboard. Twenty-two-year-old you might not recognize 47-year-old you, and there’s no doubt she’d judge your dorky fleece vest and Investment Binoculars™, but there’s much to be said for shifting yourself into a less chaotic gear and finding moments of actual presence in the natural world. Life begins to look more like a Mary Oliver poem than a Bret Easton Ellis novel, and that’s a-ok with me.

Public Works: State Reviewing Town’s Plan for Bristow Park Entrance Along Route 106

State officials currently are reviewing New Canaan’s plan to create a more pedestrian- and motor vehicle-friendly entrance to Bristow Park from Route 106/Old Stamford Road, according to the head of the town Department of Public Works. The Connecticut Department of Transportation is reviewing the plan “for an encroachment permit,” Public Works Director Tiger Mann told members of the New Canaan Conservation Commission at their Feb. 19 meeting. “Since it’s along 106 inside their [the state’s] right-of-way they have to approve it,” Mann said at the meeting, held at Town Hall and via videoconference. “And that includes a pull-off or dropoff area for school buses, and then parking spaces, one disabled space and several other standard spaces.”

Plans shared by Mann show one disabled space and four standard spaces.