Letter from NCHS Principal: ‘Technology for Learning’


[Editor’s Note: The following letter was submitted on behalf of Bryan Luizzi, Ed.D, Principal, New Canaan High School.]

Without question, we have entered into a technological age that has changed the way we live, work, and learn. Thanks to the rapid explosion of personal, mobile devices and the seeming ubiquity of wireless coverage, we are now a part of an interconnected world – with its benefits and banes – no matter where we go. The rapidity of this infusion of mobile technology into our lives is unprecedented. Consider, for instance, that it took 75 years for the telephone to reach 50 million users; 38 years for Radio; television took just 13 years; and, remarkably, it took only 3 years for Apple to sell 67 million iPhones (MIT Technology Review, 2012). And that’s just the hardware!