‘We Need To Think about How We Can Close That Gap’: BHA Shares Community Health and Well-Being Survey Results

Though a high percentage of New Canaanites responding to a recent survey say they live in financial comfort, with most participating in high numbers in sports and faith-based groups and volunteering generously, nearly half (47%) are unsure or unaware of where to seek help for mental health issues, officials say. And an even higher percentage of respondents (55%) don’t know where to seek help for substance use issues, according to the widely anticipated results of the 2024 Community Health and Well-Being Survey. “We do understand that we don’t expect there to be 100% awareness around all of these issues, as most people would go seek help when they’re faced with that particular issue,” Nina Chanana of Chanana Consulting told about 100 people who attended the first public presentation of survey results, held Monday night in the Jim & Dede Bartlett Auditorium at New Canaan Library. 

She continued: “But we did feel that there were opportunities to raise awareness for some of the supports that are out here in New Canaan. … Those residents who indicated their concern about their own substance use were less likely to be aware of the supports around substance misuse available to them when compared to those who did not have any concerns. Respondents who reported poor mental health were also less likely to be aware of supports for adult mental health services in New Canaan than those who reported ‘strong’ or ‘good’ mental health.

District To Roll Out ‘Phone-Free’ Policy at Saxe Middle School

Saxe Middle School soon will see students locking electronic devices—including cell phones, smartwatches and tablets—kept in a locking pouch system throughout the day as part of an updated policy on the electronics’ use, district officials say. The “Phone-Free Schools” initiative at Saxe is expected to launch around mid-September, once the pouches are in hand, according to Superintendent of Schools Dr. Bryan Luizzi. “We’re looking at some of the implementation as a design thinking challenge,” he said during a special Board of Education meeting, held Aug. 26 in the Wagner Room at New Canaan High School and via videoconference. “How do you create a system that best enables students to lock and unlock their pouches as they’re coming and going during the day?” Luizzi continued.

School Security Update: SROs at Elementary Schools, Doors, Pedestrian Safety

Each of New Canaan’s three elementary schools will have a dedicated police officer on campus when the academic year starts this week, the superintendent of schools said Monday night. In addition to expanding the number of School Resource Officers or “SROs” from two (New Canaan High School and Saxe Middle School) to five, the district is upgrading its radios, security of school building doors and pedestrian safety at NCHS, Dr. Bryan Luizzi said during a special Board of Education meeting. New Canaan Police Officers Ron Bentley (East School), Nicole Vartuli (South) and Shane Gibson (West) will join Officers Jeff Deak (NCHS) and Matt Blank (Saxe) to fill out the SRO roster, Luizzi said during the meeting, held at NCHS and via videoconference. “It’s really a great team,” he said. “They will work very well with our campus monitors—they’ll work great with our staff, with our principals.