Douglas Addiction

What Drug Abuse and Addiction Look Like in New Canaan: A Panel Discussion

Kera Townshend, a former captain of the New Canaan High School cheerleading squad, gave a glowing description Wednesday of her accomplishments and life in this town and then in college, with plenty to impress admissions officers, job interviewers or any audience. Then she gave the audience of well over 200 New Canaanites — at a panel discussion in Town Hall about heroin, opiod and general drug abuse — the seamy underside: Anxiety and, in some areas, lack of self confidence and wanting to get along, led her into some sordid drug and alcohol abuse and addiction. Addictions which stuck even after she thought she’d conquered them. Townshend was one of several speakers discussing opioid, heroin and substance addiction in general at a panel discussion that packed the community meeting room at Town Hall. It was organized by the League of Women Voters of New Canaan.