Op-Ed: Budget Update and New Mill Rate

[Todd Lavieri is chair of the Board of Finance.]
In our effort to continue to provide up to date information, here are some background facts and context to get everyone up to speed with where we are as we set the mill rate for next year’s budget which begins on July 1st. Right now, we are projected to finish the year with a $3.9 million surplus. Expenses will be about $1.8 million less than budgeted, and our revenue will be $2.1 million more than budgeted. While that is very good, it is a little below our earlier expectations driven by slightly less revenue in some areas. Our goal every year is to give our surplus back to the taxpayers and we will do it again this year.

Letter to the Editor

NewCanaanite.com recently received the following letter(s). Email editor@newcanaanite.com to publish your letter here. 


Dear Board of Selectmen, Members of the Town Council and Members of the Board of Finance, 

As members of the Board of Meals On Wheels of New Canaan, we echo the sentiments expressed by Irene’s Hendricks in her letter to the New Canaanite on February 29, 2024. 

We were disheartened to see the comments by our First Selectman, and the subsequent proposed budget, regarding reducing or cutting funds to the Health and Human Services budget for the upcoming fiscal year. 

Meals on Wheels of New Canaan is a volunteer based organization that solely relies on the generous donations of our neighbors, the town and approved grants. Demand for MOW services has increased significantly in recent years. We delivered 1,000 more meals during the past 12 months versus the year prior. We are serving 107 individuals up 31% from a year ago.

Letter to the Editor

NewCanaanite.com recently received the following letter(s). Email editor@newcanaanite.com to publish your letter here. 


I’m writing today to strongly advocate that we do not reduce town funding to Health and Human Services during this budget period. Our Grand List is up 23.6%; $750,000 of ARPA funds are being transferred into our town’s General Fund. Our Board of Selectmen have approved a $176.8 Million budget up 6.09% year over year, with increases driven by a variety of factors including inflation, health insurance, school staffing, and information technology. 

At the same time, there is an interest in finding savings to offset these headwinds. As taxpayers, we of course have interest in these savings.