Around Town
Week in Review: Fundraising, Parking and Restoring
A pair of muggy, humid days visited New Canaan this week (dog owners beware, deer ticks love that weather and won’t go away until we got our first good frost), as the undefeated varsity football team took a bye-week and we had a heavy few days of municipal meetings that featured the Police Commission and Town Council, with important updates coming in from the district and New Canaan Library. Here’s the Week in Review. Town Talker
New Canaan parking officials long have known that employees in the downtown are the primary and “chronic” violators of rules and restrictions that govern coveted spots for motorists. In recent months, ideas floated to combat a separate but related problem whereby workers (not shoppers or diners) are taking up most of the free spaces on Mail and Elm in the heart of downtown New Canaan have included a restriction where a motorist cannot park more than once per day in the central business district. The difficulty with that restriction is that non-workers (say, someone who parks once to grab a coffee in the morning and then comes back for a bit of shopping later in the day) would be caught up in it, parking enforcement officials have said.