Town Approves Detours for Upcoming Water Transmission Line Project [CORRECTION]
Editor: This article has been corrected to say that the main installation on Little Brook Road will be done this coming summer of 2023, and was not finished last summer. Members of New Canaan’s state-designated local traffic authority at their most recent meeting approved use of local roads for detours during a major project from Aquarion water.
The Police Commission at its Dec. 19 meeting voted 3-0 for the Connecticut Department of Transportation to use New Canaan roads as a detour as it finishes installing a 36-inch water transmission line this year. The state has already finished segments of its installation, which involves going down about nine feet, Public Works Director Tiger Mann told the Commission at its meeting, held at police headquarters and via videoconference. “They did a piece on Lakeview Avenue, from [Route] 123 to Millport,” Mann said.