Did You Hear … ?

Here’s a ‘Happy Birthday’ to a gem and gentleman of a local man. David Borglum, a 1949 New Canaan High School graduate and the longest-serving member of the wonderful Kiwanis Club of New Canaan, recently celebrated his “67th” birthday (he tells us). Happy birthday, David, here’s to 67 more. ***

Officials are looking to slow down motorists traveling on Weed Street between Wahackme and Dunning, where the 85th percentile of drivers recently were clocked by speed sentries at 36 mph in northbound and southbound lanes, according to the New Canaan Traffic Calming Work Group. ***

The Park & Recreation Commission is looking into acquiring a heater for the Waveny Pool following a successful season where one of the isolated asks from pass-holders was warmer temperatures for little kids.